Enter Following Details to View Fare Details Train Number : Day and Month : - Source Station Code : Destination Station Code : Class : FIRST AC SECOND AC THIRD AC 3 AC Economy AC CHAIR CAR FIRST CLASS SLEEPER CLASS SECOND SEATING Age : CHILD AGE [5-11] ADULT AGE [12 and above] SENIOR CITIZEN FEMALE AGE [58 and above] SENIOR CITIZEN MALE AGE [60 and above] Concession : None Article Clerk -> [ARTCLK (50%)] Artist Lower Class -> [ARTISF (75%)] Artist Upper Class -> [ARTIUF (50%)] Award 50% -> [AWD50 (50%)] Award 75% -> [AWD75 (75%)] Award 100% -> [AWD100 (100%)] Bharat Scouts/Guides -> [BSGUDF (50%)] Bharat Seva Dal -> [BSDALF (25%)] Blind Concession -> [BLIND (75%)] Cancer Patient -> (For 3A, SL, CC class) [CANCER (75%)] Cancer Patient Escort-> (For 3A, SL, CC class) [CNESC (75%)] Cancer Patient -> (For 1A, 2A class) [CANCEU (50%)] Cancer Patient Escort-> (For 1A, 2A class) [CNESCU (50%)] Doctor -> [DOCTOR (10%)] Public Exam(6-12yrs) -> [PUBEXA (50%)] Circus Artist Lower Class ->[CIRCLF (75%)] Circus Artist Upper Class -> [CIRCUF (50%)] Civil International -> [CVINTF (25%)] Deaf and Dumb -> [DFDM (50%)] Deaf and Dumb Escort [50%] Handicap Lower Class -> [HNDCAP (75%)] Handicap Escort Lower Class -> [HNDESC (75%)] Handicap 1AC 2AC -> [HNDCUP (50%)] Handicap Escort 1AC 2AC -> [HNDEUP (50%)] Handicap in Rajdhani/Shatabdi -> [HNDCRS (25%)] Handicap Escort in Rajdhani/Shatabdi -> [HNDERS (25%)] Heart Patient (for 3A, SL, 2S class)-> [HEART (75%)] Heart Patient Escort (for 3A, SL, 2S class)-> [HRTESC (75%)] Heart Patient (for 1A, 2A class)-> [HEARTU (50%)] Heart Patient Escort (for 1A, 2A class)-> [HRTESU (50%)] Heamophilia Patient (for 3A, CC, SL, 2S)[75%] Heamophilia Patient Escort (for 3A, CC, SL, 2S)[75%] IAFT 1709 Form D -> [I1709A (40%)] IAFT 1720 Upper Class -> [I1720U (50%)] Industrial Worker -> [WORKER (25%)] Kidney Patients (for 3A, SL, 2S Class) -> [KIDNEY (75%)] Kidney Patient Escort (for 3A, SL, 2S Class) -> [KIESC (75%)] Kidney Patients (for 1A, 2A Class) -> [KIDNEU (50%)] Kidney Patients Escort (for 1A, 2A Class) -> [KIESCU (50%)] Kisan Concession -> [KISANF (25%)] Leprosy Patient -> [LPROSY (75%)] Mental Patient -> [MNTLPT (75%)] Nurse -> [NURSE (25%)] Polo Team -> [POLO (50%)] Proffessional Artist lower class -> [PARTLF (75%)] Proffessional Artist Upper class -> [PARTUF (50%)] PTO Common Wealth Country -> [PTOFOR (50%)] PTO Indian Railway -> [PTORDR (66.6%)] Public Examination -> [PUBESC (50%)] Research Scholar -> [SEARCH (50%)] Retired Railway Emplyoee/Widow above 70 years -> [RRECOM] Scout Concession -> [SCOUT (50%)] Senior Male Citizen -> [SRCTZN (40%)] Senior Female Citizen -> [SRCTNW (50%)] Service Civil Inter -> [SCINTL (25%)] Sports Lower class -> [SPORT (75%)] Sports Inter N Level FC -> [SPORTI (75%)] Sports National Level FC -> [SPORTN (50%)] ST JOHN'S Ambulance -> [STJONF (25%)] Student Concession -> [STDNT (50%)] Student SC/ST -> [STDSPS (75%)] TB Patient -> [TBPAT (75%)] Teacher -> [TEACHR (25%)] Thalassemia Patient (for 3A, SL, 2S class)-> [TLSMIA (75%)] Thalassemia Patient Escort (for 3A, SL, 2S class)-> [THLESC (75%)] Thalassemia Patient (for 1A, 2A class)-> [TLSMIU (50%)] Thalassemia Patient Escort (for 1A, 2A class)-> [THLESU (50%)] War Widow -> [WIDOW (75%)] Youth Concession -> [YOUTH (25%)] Unemployed Youth for Interview (2S) [100%] Yuva Concession [YUVA] Click Here to know the Train Number Click Here to know the Station Code Popular Tags - Indian Railway Ticket Fare Enquiry irctc Fare Enquiry Information irctc train status train Recent Tags - indian railway Fare Enquiry status irctc Fare online train fees Fare Enquiry
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